Donnerstag, 3. Juni 2021

Sex, carrots & cultural assets

Monday I went to the optician to have my first pair of varifocals fitted.

Tuesday dentist (new crown, replacement of a plastic filling), then to the orthopedist (ankle arthritis).

Otherwise currently my left shoulder fucks me hard after I had exercised too often lately.

If I were a car, I would have long since been driving around with such a crappy historic license plate as a humanoid cultural asset.

"The historic license plate offers a number of advantages. In the rank of a "motor-technical cultural asset" a car receives tax concessions, cheap car insurance and lower environmental regulations. For example, old vehicles without catalytic converters with H license plates are allowed to drive in environmental zones. A green sticker is not required.

There are also tax advantages to having an H license plate on your car. The tax for vehicles with an H license plate is a uniform 191.73 euros (motorcycles 46.02 euros). In addition, most insurance companies offer very favorable rates because they assume that classic cars are handled with care and are moved very little."

Yes, great. So you are even rewarded for driving around with an outdated, gas guzzling & dangerous junk-heap.
Fuck the technical progress, changed environmental & safety regulations if it's just old, "rustic" & "original" enough.
That's as crazy as most, if not all of this "modern" human existence.

I do not even want to complain about this shrinkage & loss of substance in my outdated, gas-guzzling & dangerous body - it's just so:
This stage of life could be the best, you're finally largely done with this crappy sex drive & could finally deal undisturbed with the things that really interest you & bring you forward.
Like learning, learning all kinds of things.
As a teenager & young adult I didn't give a shit about learning because all I really wanted to do was fuck & party all the time.

This whole sex story is like a carrot that is hung in front of your nose when the first sack hair grows & you then run after it until your body slowly starts to give up.
In the meantime this carrot has dried up and become charmless, but instead of being able to deal with interesting things in tranquility you are increasingly busy with maintaining & repairing your body-ruin.

Why is nobody or at least hardly anybody upset about this sex trap?
Everybody is whining about something - brainwashing, manipulation, data protection, conspiracies, 9/11, Epstein, Great Reset, climate lie & the whole shit - but the biggest, worst & most momentous deception of all, namely the bullshit lie that this ridiculous humping, licking & sucking would be the most important thing in the whole world, remains largely unnoticed.
Apparently nobody is interested in freeing the active, progressive & dynamic part of "mankind" (i.e. the male one) from this yoke.
Rather the opposite seems to be the case.


Those who have been able to resist the constant flooding with all of that "normal" sex shit for any reason so far should apparently also be captured so that ALL run after the big, colorful carrot.

Mkay, just go on like that.
Fuck it.
Fuck mankind.
Something better will succeed "us".

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