Samstag, 25. September 2021

Butt anyway

Yesterday, in my email inbox, youtube like:

"Regarding YouTube's policy dealing with election misinformation, we provide you with some supplementary up-to-date guidance. We will apply our policy on the legality of elections and election results to misinformation about the outcome of the German federal election once the final results have been confirmed by the Federal Election Commissioner.

Content falsely claiming that the outcome of the German federal election was influenced by widespread fraud, errors, or glitches will be removed from YouTube. This applies to misinformation about the outcome of the German federal election, the formation of the new government, or the election and appointment of the next Chancellor."

So if it is truthfully claimed that there was influence, the content will not be removed?

Butt anyway...

...the basic question regarding this election (& any political election) is:

Why on earth should one even bother to question the correct process & outcome of this election, if it doesn't matter at all who is elected to whatever office?

Whether this stupid, flabby woman with the fat arms may play chancellor...

...or, on the "other" side, this decelerated buffoon from the special democrats ("Here I am convinced that I can do that, my party also.") - (deutschlandfunk)...

... what difference should it make?
Who seriously believes that these creatures actually have anything of importance to decide?

If you still believed there was something like a "representative democracy", in which "political decisions are not made directly by the people themselves, but by members of parliament" & "The people's representatives ... decide on their own responsibility", you should have been finally taught better by the fake pandemic & the measures taken in the consequence.

As if these nappy-soft no-goods, who in normal mode are absolutely unable to consistently enforce any issue from which a significant number of citizens would feel pissed off, would suddenly push through something like lockdowns & massive restrictions - who believes that, will be blessed.

These clowns were & are completely owned, by whoever or whatever.
Already in March this year there was an interesting message from Australia:

"Health Minister Greg Hunt goes to hospital with infection but says don't blame the jab."

"No, no, it wasn't my jabberino, mate, really not!"

"The condition of Hunt – who together with former prime minister Julia Gillard received the AstraZeneca vaccine at the weekend – “is not considered to be related to the vaccine,” the statement said.

But his hospitalisation is unhelpful when political figures are seeking to promote confidence by getting their shots early.

The announcement about Hunt came hours after Victorian Premier Danial Andrews was admitted to intensive care following a fall on slippery stairs, which resulted in several broken ribs and vertebrae damage.
It is not known when Hunt will be back at work."

The article continues:
"Meanwhile pressure continued on Scott Morrison over Attorney-General Christian Porter, who is on mental health leave after being accused of historical rape, which he strongly denies.

Morrison told reporters he had spoken to Porter but he had not said when he would be returning to work."

"As Morrison tries to switch attention to the economy, with announcements this week of post-JobKeeper measures, he continues to be dogged by the issues around Porter and Defence Minister Linda Reynolds.

Parliament on Monday heads into its final fortnight before the budget session, with the House of Representatives meeting for two weeks and the Senate for one week followed by Senate estimates hearings.

Reynolds, on medical leave, will miss both weeks. If Porter also misses the whole fortnight, the first time the two ministers would be subjected to parliamentary questioning would be budget week in May. Their return could be a distraction for the government, which would want all attention on the budget.
Morrison, who has spoken to Reynolds’ doctor, said on Tuesday her health issues – she has an underlying heart condition – were “quite serious”."

And further:
"Morrison, who criticised Reynolds for not telling him of the incident, has not yet released the results of an inquiry by his departmental secretary, Phil Gaetjens, into who in his own office knew of the matter.

The Prime Minister was questioned again on Tuesday about his failure to read the dossier containing the allegations against Porter. He said the formal documents had been provided to his office on a Friday afternoon, when he was in Sydney.
“And so those documents were immediately provided to the Federal Police. So I was not in the same place as those documents.”

Morrison continues to resist calls for an independent inquiry into the allegation against Porter, and said he had not spoken to the Solicitor-General about the allegation “because there is not a separate legal process that applies to the Attorney-General or anyone else”."

A whole lot of unusual happenings within a relatively small group of people supposedly making important decisions.
From today's point of view & considering the extreme "anti-covid" measures + police brutality down under especially interesting is the following little paragraph, which somehow has nothing to do with the actual article:

"On the economic front, in an address to the Australian Financial Review’s business summit, Morrison said Australia was “leading the world out of the global pandemic and the global recession it caused”."

"But he expressed frustration that, despite unemployment still being high, many jobs can’t be filled, in the absence of workers coming from abroad."

So - exactly what is being played out in the UK right now, with the supposed mass shortage of truck drivers.
"There is a shortage of people who transport goods, especially truck drivers.
According to the Road Haulage Association, the UK currently has around 100,000 too few of them. This is partly due to Brexit and its hurdles. In addition, the Corona pandemic has exacerbated the situation."

"The Conversation" is not just a half-assed gang of aluminum hats, but "a network of not-for-profit media outlets that publish news stories on the Internet that are written by academics and researchers, under a free Creative Commons licence, allowing reuse but only without modification...

In September 2019, The Conversation reported a monthly online audience of 10.7 million users onsite, and a combined reach of 40 million people including republication.

Each edition of The Conversation is an independent not-for-profit or charity funded by its university members, government and other grant awarding bodies, corporate partners, and reader donations. "

I had bookmarked this article at the time, but didn't really expect it to be available later.
Surprisingly it still is & to me this means that these "academics + researchers" in their own circles have quite an idea of what is going on and make no secret of it.

The average consumer slave is not informed about this by "his" media, like tabloids, TV news, youtube, Twitter, etc. & that's just fine.
He doesn't want to know anyway.

Oh, and - Will I go out tomorrow and exercise my right to vote?
“The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind." (Douglas Adams)
That means "no".

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