Samstag, 13. November 2021


"Adieu world, for you seduce everyone; to the ambitious you promise honor, to the restless change, to the high-bearing grace from princes, to the careless offices, to the scrooges much treasure, to the gluttons and unchaste joy and lust, to the enemies revenge, to the thieves secrecy, to the young long life, and to the favorites you promise constant princely favor."

("I was hungry - investigation initiated.
Cologne woman had herself vaccinated 43 times against covid-19
with the help of blank vaccination cards in order to obtain fried sausages.")

"God bless you, world, for while one pursues you, time is consumed in oblivion, youth with running, walking and jumping over fence and stairs, over path and footbridge, over mountain and valley, through forest and wilderness, over lake and water, in rain and snow, in heat and cold, in wind and thunderstorm; manhood is consumed in cutting and melting ore, in hewing and cutting stone, in chopping and carpentry, in planting and building, in thoughts poetry and striving, in giving advice, in worrying and complaining, in buying and selling, in quarreling, struggling, warring, lying and cheating; old age is consumed in misery and wretchedness, the spirit becomes weak, the breath smelly, the face wrinkled, the length crooked, and the eyes become dark, the limbs tremble, the nose drips, the head becomes bald, the hearing decays, the odor disappears, the taste goes away, he sighs and groans, is lazy and weak, and has in summa nothing but toil and labor until death."

"Adieu world, for no man is content or satisfied with thee; if he be poor, he wants to have; if he be rich, he wants to count much; if he be despised, he wants to rise high; if he be injured, he wants to avenge himself; if he be in grace, he wants to command much; if he be in the bondage of vice, he wants only to be in good courage."

"God bless you, world, for I am displeased with your conversation; the life you give us is a miserable pilgrimage, an unstable, uncertain, hard, rough, fleeting and impure life, full of poverty and error, which is rather to be called a death than a life."

"Adieu o world, o vile poor world, o stinking miserable flesh."

"All these words I considered with care and constant thought, and so I became inclined to leave the world and become a hermit again."

(Grimmelshausen - Simplicissimus, Das XXIV. Kapitel)

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