Dienstag, 30. November 2021

Proper ass wiping

""And kid . . ."
"Take a bath once in awhile."
"Well, maybe that isn't it. Do you use enough toilet paper when you wipe your ass?"
"I don't know. How much is enough?"
"Didn't your mother tell you?"
"You keep wiping until you can't see it anymore.""
Bukowski - Christ on Rollerskates

Probably that's why it always stinks of shit when the poolice approaches somewhere to get on people's nerves.
The mommy has not taught them how to wipe properly after pooping & for the "work" as a citizen nuisance their smell is not relevant.

Because that's pretty much all these clowns do anymore:
Get on people's balls.
Move in somewhere, stand around mouth-breathing, stink of shit & look angry.
Otherwise they don't care about anything anymore.

Why does anyone still pay taxes for being intimidated & threatened by the government all the time and otherwise getting nothing at all for their money?
Why don't people just open their own store & shit on this so-called state?

It would be nice if this whole fucking society now goes down the drain & these ridiculous servants with their feces-smeared asses have to harvest potatoes to get by.


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