Dienstag, 28. Dezember 2021

Good cop, bad cop 2


Bad, bad cop.

Door opens, good cop enters the room:


So on the one hand there are these nasty, ugly people who somehow all look like prototypical James Bond villains

who of course want to rule the world & want to somehow enslave all those nice people hanging around in it and who, as befits cinema villains, openly spill the beans about their sinister plans.


On the other hand, you have these friendly, sympathetic, comparatively good-looking individuals who bravely fight against evil & tell you:

"We must free ourselves from this globalism,
turn to the spiritual,
join forces with our neighbors,
grow our own food,
try alternative ways of living,
break free from the corporations,
disconnect from this monetary system,
use decentralized energy supply...
and then everything will be just fine."

Somehow it all seems to me like the old days, when John Wayne/the white, male, conservative American was always the good guy & the indigenous people/communists were the bad guys.
Even back then I had my doubts that the world was really that simple...

... and I do have my doubts these days, since I am expected to believe pretty much exactly the opposite.

If it really should be the plan to move the mass of "mankind" by means of the good old good cop, bad cop game to a sustainable, reasonable, resource-saving behavior, then this will have to go on for quite a while & become much more blatant.

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